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Barefoot Photography by Tina Doane

Cf Card failure

I did a shoot, during the shoot my card read full. I took it out put it away and began shooting w another card. When I got home to download the card it asked me if I wanted to format the card in windows expoler. I hit no and them inserted the card in my camera to see what was going on. The screen said no images and the camera is giving me a CF error. My husband ran software on it and it pulled up no files. It's as if the card never recorded the images but I know it did because I was looking at them in the camera after they were taken . Any suggestions Please Help/ It was a family reunion with family coming from out of towm.


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July 24, 2006


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Tina,

Check out Lexor rescue software. Just go on the web and search for CF rescue software. This will cost you about $30.00.

Alan Marcus

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July 25, 2006


Daniel G. Flocke
  Tina - I had a simular problem, I ran Norton Utilities/disk-doctor and win-doctor on it and it fixed the error on the card long enough to recover the files to my HD. I formated afterwords but never fully trusted it again, so I replaced it.
Also try Lexar's Image Rescue 2 or MediaRecover this works better than the Lexar, for problem cards like your.

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July 26, 2006


Barefoot Photography by Tina Doane
  Thanks but it doesn't matter. Ive run three programs including Lexars and nothing. I took it into calumet today to and they said the card is damaged. I have already told my client and we are making arrangements to to reshoot. Bummer..but what can you do.

Thanks again

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July 26, 2006


Pete H
  Hello Tina,

Sorry to hear about your crash...been there; done that!

I learned my lesson in this about 2 yrs ago..There is a lesson to be learned here.
I recently went to Washington DC. I would shoot 10 shots and switch cards, then shoot the same shots. I know it sounds like a lot of work, although it really is not.

I also NEVER buy a 2 Gb or larger card due to the exact problem you just had.
I prefer to use several 512Kb least if I have a card crash, I'll have some photos remaining on the other cards.

The DC thing, while it sounds a little awkward; assured me of my shots. When it really counts, that is what I do.
Unless you have 2 cameras, it is a good way to back yourself up.

All the best,


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July 26, 2006

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