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Photography Question 

Benita R. Cloward

Why isn't my camera indicating the f-stops...

Hi there, I just recently purchased a SEARS 80-200mm (f/4-F/22)lense for my Pentax ZX-7 film SLR camera. I've been experimenting a lot with it since I've got it. Yet for some reason the camera doesn't show me the aperture setting in the viewfinder, nor do I get the option of changing the shutter speed. The shutter speed it does show me is always 1/125 not matter where I'm at, what I'm taking the picture of, and what the conditions of lighting are. Is something wrong with the camera, or with the user ( In the past I've usually used the automatic verison of this, but I'm trying to change and understand all the manual ways. Speaking of manual, I cannot seem to find the manual for my camera. SO I don't know whether or not it would have any source of help in there. I hope some of you might know what to do and how to help. Thanks,


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July 21, 2006


Jon Close
  While any K-mount lens can be used on the ZX-7, older manual focus lenses have limited features, often limited to Aperture priority and Manual exposure modes only. The manual can be downloaded from the Pentax website, see

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July 21, 2006


Benita R. Cloward
  Thanks Jon.

I was able to find my manual today, but thanks anyway for the link. Very helpful! So I guess I"m just stuck with the camera not showing me the f-stop number in the viewfinder? That blows, I was hoping there would be a way somehow. Thank you anyways for your response/help. :o)

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July 21, 2006

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