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Photography Question 

Troy Plant

420 EX Speedlight flash question?

I have a Canon XT and a 420 EX flash. Yesterday I was outside taking pictures with the Apeture mode, with the 420EX Flash turned on, it was a cloudy day. My batteries were fully charged, but my flash was still not going off consistently. Is there a setting or something I was missing that would force the flash to be on? I was waiting at least 10 seconds to make sure the flash was recharged and it still wasn't flashing. Any advice? Thanks.

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July 04, 2006


  Did you have your shutter over 1/200?

I have the same set up, but have never had this problem.

What about the connections? Are they dirty?

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July 04, 2006


Troy Plant
  The connections were clean as far as I'm aware. Today, with it in my house it appears to be working fine. But, of course yesterday when I needed it it was acting funny. I had the High Speed Sync turned on, so over 1/200 hopefully wouldn't of been a problem. I just tried it now with a 1/250 and it worked fine. Weird. Thanks for the response, just wanted to make sure I have everything "setup" like I should.

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July 04, 2006


Jon Close
  >"I was waiting at least 10 seconds to make sure the flash was recharged and it still wasn't flashing."<

Sounds like you were using alkaline batteries. Cycling times with alkalines lengthen considerably, even when the battery has much power left. For fast, consistent cycling times, switch to rechargeable NiMH or Ni-Cad batteries.

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July 05, 2006

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