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Photography Question 

Jason Kesselring

Serious Malfunction

I was shooting a wedding last night, after the ceremony and portraits I changed memory cards in case of tragedy. Well with this new card I took about 10 pictures, then the serious events started happening. Cake cutting, first dance, bride and groom dance wit parents, toast, boquet toss and garter toss, then they had a couples dance. Right after the couples dance started my battery died, so I changed it out and started shooting again. When I got home to download the photos the first ten I took are there, after that it picks up again after the battery swap. I know I had the images because I looked at some of them. I know I reviewed the garter toss and some of the dance photos. For the life of me I can not figure out how I lost about 50 images!! Any ideas??

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May 21, 2006


Jon Close
  Do you recall if the access lamp was blinking or the LCD read "buSY" just before the battery quit? When the battery died it could not finish writing any files still in the buffer to the CF card, but that would be much less than 50 images. I would try a file recovery program on the CF card. Your missing files may be on the card and corrupted just enough to not be read by the download program, but may still be salvageable.

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May 22, 2006


Jason Kesselring
  I downloaded and ran 2 different recovery programs. I was able to salvage the first dance pictures, but the cake cutting, toast and flower/garter toss did not recover on either program. The cake cutting took place before the first dances the flower/garter toss after. I know the flower garter toss was on there because I reviewed them before the battery died. Obviously the cake cutting should be there too, I am at a loss on what else I can do. Any other suggestions would be helpful.

I forgot the name of one program I used, but the one I remember was PC inspector.

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May 22, 2006

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