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Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

135mm f/2.8 lens, mount?

So I bought a 45MCRX enlarger used....and along with it, the seller threw in a vivitar 135mm f/2.8 manual focus telephoto lens with a UV/protection filter.

I looked around to find what kind of lens mounts this lens was made in, plus what older manual format lens mounts looked like so I could try to find out but I haven't been able to and I can't easily reach the seller now.

Anyway, without uploading an image I'll try to describe it and hopefully somebody can help me. To take the end cap off of the rear end, I have to turn a ring that is just under the aperture ring. When I turn it all the way, it makes a small metal spring loaded switch thing on the back of the lens move. There's also another piece of metal sticking out of the back that stops down the lens when it's turned. It's spring loaded when you press it part way but it stays stopped down when you press it around the whole way. So....with this description, what mount do you think it is? I saw a canon manual focus lens mount that looked similar but not exactly. I'll eventually try to get a pic but for now, this will have to do.



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May 13, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Sounds like a Canon FD mount there Andrew. Am I right?

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May 13, 2006

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