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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Minolta X-300 mirror

i have just bought a minolta x300 off ebay. when I dry fired it a few times it worked brilliantly but as I came to load a film it went off and the mirror now refuses to stay down. the batteries are working as I can get the light meter up momentarily by pulling the mirror down by hand but otherwise it wont do anything. any suggestions (a camera shop quoted me £76 to repair it when I paid £40 for it to begin with...)

James Farha

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May 10, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  James, I really hate to say this, but, welcome to the wonderful world of manual photography. If my X700 wasn't so near and dear to my heart, I wouldn't have spent $115 on it when a new one runs about $130 on ebay.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

BTW, it sounds like the return spring went.

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May 10, 2006


Alan N. Marcus
  Sorry about your camera. I know nothing about this model but; try this, you have nothing to lose.

Many electronic malfunctions are self limiting.
I suggest removing the batteries and leaving them out overnight. Sometimes the circuit contains capacitors to retain energy for a time to keep the internal clock going. The overnight rest might allow the chip to re-boot when batteries are reinstalled. If this fails, try installing the batteries backwards then immediately reinstall correctly. This procedure usually drains the circuit and allows an immediate reboot.

Best of luck,

Alan Marcus

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May 10, 2006

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