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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

methods of recording an image on film

methods of recording an image on film

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May 04, 2006


Bob Cammarata
  Step 1:
Buy a film camera.

Step 2:
Buy a roll of film.

Step 3:
Load the film into the camera.

Step 4:
Press the shutter.

(I'm sorry but I need a little more info to give a more informative response.)

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May 04, 2006


Brendan Knell
  Mariechen, again this sounds like another homework question. So, if it is homework, try and find it yourself(searching the archives here, google'ing it, ect.). If you still can't find it then, if you give us some more info, then I'm sure we can help you.

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May 04, 2006

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