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Wayne Turk

Nikon Lens Serial Numbers

I recently found a web site that listed serial numbers for Nikon Lens. I was looking through this web site, and all the Nikon Lens were listed, from the AI up to the current AF models. So I grapped one of my lens a AF 24mm f2.8 to see what serial number it was, because I purchased it used, I just wanted to know about the age of this lens. Well either I am really stupid or blind, because I can not find a serial number anywhere on this lens, so I looked at a few other Af lens I have, and no luck with those either. Does Nikon serial number their lens or not. Boy am I ever confused !!!!!!

Thanks for any Help

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April 27, 2006


Todd Bennett

I just pulled out my Nikon ED 70-300 mm 1:4-5.6 D lense and what I think is the serial number is is located on the opposite side of the lense from the label with the description of the lense near where it mounts to the camera. Hope this helps. The only way I can be sure if it is indeed the serial number is to check my paperwork on it when I get home.


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April 27, 2006


Wayne Turk
  I found them, I needed a magnifing glass just to be able to read the serial number that is very lightly stamped on the lens near where they mount onto the camera. Why Nikon decided to be so hard to read there serial numbers is besides me, My Minolta Lens were very easy to find and read, but not Nikon for whatever reason.


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May 09, 2006

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