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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 
- Jyan L. Crayton

Contact Jyan L. Crayton
Jyan L. Crayton's Gallery


If i'm shooting a party out side, should I use extra lighting?

I fine sometimes even when I shoot outside with flash my images are not as bright as I would like them, especially if the person has a darker tan.

Please help with outside photos.

I shoot with a canon elan 7n/ 28-105mm 4.0-5.6/ phoenix flash up to 90mm range.

should I use my canon 50mm lens? I use the 28-105mm for groups.


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April 26, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Flash is normally used outside to fill in the shadows. If your images are underexposed, you might want to add a bit of exposure compensation. Your meter is probably reading the average of the scene thereby underexposing the darker skin.

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April 26, 2006

- Jyan L. Crayton

Contact Jyan L. Crayton
Jyan L. Crayton's Gallery
  Thank You. I will try this. Whatever my camera reader display I'll play around with it.

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April 26, 2006

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