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Photography Question 

Tammy Comer

What are good plants/scenes for portraits?

I am redoing my landscaping and I would like to incorporate different areas for photography. I would like one bed of daisies, one of black eyed susans, one with grasses, and one with mixed flowers. What else can I do to create more scenes/backdrops? Is there a book available on this? I live in the country and I have a lot of space available to work with. I'm wanting to get on this project ASAP. I mostly photograph children, families, and seniors. Thanks! TAmmy

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April 24, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Tammy: Any plant that grows tall, I think is out. Shrubs, branches, vines, big leafy things, anything that can look as though it's growing out of someone probably isn't a good idea.

Benches, statues, clearing in floral laden landscapes, sure.

Take it light.

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April 24, 2006

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