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Photography Question 

Howard O'Guin

EOS 300D Shutter Speed for Flash

How do you set the shutter speed in the 300D when using the Promaster 5550DX Strobe. When I set my aperature at f/8 for increased DOF; the corresponding shutter speed in a darken area is like 2 seconds. The flash icon is visible in the view finder. I had the same problem in my Elan 7n but was able to trek it with the aid of the manual and now its shutter speed is 1/120sec. Am I missing something in the manual(s?

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April 19, 2006


Jon Close
  Yep. p.80 of the manual.
Av is a "slow-sync" mode that will set the shutter speed to properly expose the background and the flash will be set for fill light.

Higher level bodies like your Elan 7 have a Custom Function that forces the shutter speed to be set at the x-sync speed with using flash in Av.

When using a flash, if you want to directly control the aperture for depth of field, AND set a specific shutter speed for handholding, M is your mode.

For everything about using flash with EOS cameras that should be in manuals but isn't, see

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April 19, 2006


Howard O'Guin
  Thanks for the response Jon. I read pg 80 and also the link that you directed met to. It seems that Canon fludded this up on the 300D. I just purchased the Elan last week and it is a much better camera than the 300D. Tomorrow I hope to return to the dealer where I purchased the Promaster Flash whom is also a Canon dealer. I tried the two suggestions that you made. Setting in manual made the photo grossly over exposed and setting in program mode didn't solve the problem. Thanks

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April 19, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Howard;

My question is this. Are you sure you have the proper module for the flash to link to the camera? If you are having problems, you may want to look into that. Promaster carries two different modules for Canon EOS series cameras. One costs about twenty dollars, and the other is about seventy. The cheaper is for an autofocus film camera. The other is the digital module. You will need both. I own the Promaster 5750DX which I use with both a Minolta X700 and a Maxxum 5D.If I were to buy a Maxxum film camera, I would also need to get the module for it.
I hope I've helped.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

BTW, the 5550DX is a great unit.

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April 23, 2006


Howard O'Guin
  Hi Jon and Mark,
Thanks for your response. I took the 300D and the Promaster back to the dealer. The sales rep there treked the camera in the manual mode and now the flash icon is displayed in the view finder. The test images seems to be dark still. I continue to work with it. As a last resort I'll past the camera on to my daughter and replace it with a 10D or 20D. Yes I had the correct module for the 300D.

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April 29, 2006

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