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Photography Question 

Scott L. Burnett

tell me about these cameras

my grand fathers each gave me a camera one is a olympus OM-G with a 135mm 3.5 prime lens. and the other is a mamiya sekor with a 50mm and a 200mm 3.5
i dont think they are worth anything... the vintage cameras on ebay dont usually go for more than $100 from what I have seen...
anyway info would be cool

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April 17, 2006


Scott L. Burnett
  oh yeah the mamiya sekor is the 500tl model

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April 17, 2006


Sam B. Endicott
If this helps, I just bought a mamiya/sekor 528TL today at a flea market for 20 dollars. It is a little newer than the model that you have. Is yours a fixed lens? If so, they were made basicly for people who wante to just take good snap shots more than anything. Something that someone could use and not get into a lot of different lenses and all. Mine is in good working order so far that I can see, other than a bad battery. I have not developed any pics yet, but it seems to work okay. Hope this little bit of info helps.

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April 27, 2006


Michael H. Cothran
  The Mamiya 500TL dates back to the late '60's or early '70's. It has the infamous Pentax screw mount, and any lens with that screw mount will work on it. Metering is via the old stopped-down method, and I believe the top shutter speed is 1/500 sec.
One of the interesting aspects of this camera is that it has a built-in spot meter - something very few cameras possessed at the time.

The OM-G is an entry level Olympus SLR, maybe several years newer than your Mamiya I believe. It has more auto exposure functions, and made for those wanting a nice camera, but not wanting to spend the money for an OM1 or OM2. It accepts all MF Zuiko lenses.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 28, 2006


Scott L. Burnett
  my grandfather had a 200mm 3.5 for the 500tl, and since I have only had a 50mm for about a year now (actually it will be a year tomorrow) so I am enjoying a new type of lens then the om-g had a 135mm and a 50mm but my dad has the omg and needed a 50mm, and since I have one on another camera he took it. then I baught a 28mm 2.8 on evil-bay and that is fun too. the om-g
takes good pictures if you underexpose a tad I dotn know about the 500tl yet. maybe I cna post some later =)
thanks for the replys

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April 28, 2006

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