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Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

RC/Fiber printing paper

Hi! I'm looking to find a way to improve my fiber printing but I'm not sure if it's me or just what it looks like.

I'm in my second semester of black and white darkroom photo and this semester our assignments are to be completed on fiber base paper while we used RC last semester.

I use the Ilford MG IV (I think that's what it was) for both RC and FB. I use Pearl for RC and Glossy for FB. My RC prints seem to have more punch and life to them and they seem a lot sharper than my FB prints. The FB prints seem muddier but not out of focus. They still look flat no matter what I do with exposure time and contrast. Is there something I should know to be able to fix this? Is there a better FB paper?

Something else that I don't like about fiber is the difference between glossy and matte. Matte just seems really boring while glossy doesn't always seem glossy, or at least not traditionally glossy.

Please advise :)

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March 20, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Andy: Go take a look at
The analog photographers user group. Take a look at the categories under darkroom, processing, something like that. You'll likely like what you see there. Drop a dime, become a member, post your questions and get answers from experienced pros. Not a pixel in sight there too. Nice touch, eh?

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March 20, 2006

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