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Photography Question 

Craig m. Zacarelli

scanning film/ neg's

ok all you film buffs out there... do you scan your images into the computer? if so, do you scan the actual Image or the negatives if you scan negatives, does a regular scanner work or do I need something special? also, is it better to shoot 35mm film or slides? I just bought the Elan 7 and will definetly want to scan my images in but I never get good results just scanning in my pictures.. or maybe its just that im spoiled with the digital files of my 350D?

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March 16, 2006


Samuel Smith
  hey zac,
i just scan the photos on an epson 4180 and it does a very good job.big files won't do me much good in my computer because I haven't learned any photo programs yet.if I want enlargements I take the negatives to a lab.

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March 16, 2006


Jenny D
  Craig, another thing you could do (that I used to do when using my elan 7n, because I was never happy with my scanned images) is when you get your film developed, have them put on a disc also. That way you get better results than scanning the photos. You can also order elargements online from the disc. Hope this helps.

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March 16, 2006


Sharon Day
  I have an ancient HP S20 photo scanner I use to scan negatives and slides. It's not very good and I don't use it often. What I'd like to find is a good slide duplicator for my Nikon 105mm macro lens. That takes good pics of my slides but I can't get the film plane level enough with the copy stand I have so I have some issues with focus doing it that way. I've heard the Epson 4990 is an awesome scanner for slides and negatives. I'm in a forum where the members claim it's better than the Nikon Coolscan film scanners.

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March 16, 2006


Paul Tobeck
  Craig, you're definitely better off shooting slides if you intend to scan them. I am currently scanning all my good shots with a Konica-Minolta Scan Dual IV (about $260 on Amazon) and it works great for slides. On negatives it leaves a lot to be desired because the orange mask on the film base throws off the colors and makes them difficult to correct. More expensive film scanners do a better job on negs because they've got profiles for them. You also have to realize that unless you spend the extra money for a top line scanner that includes Digital Ice (automatic dust and scratch removal) that you will be spending considerable time cleaning up all the dust spots and microscopic hairs from your scans. No matter how well you clean them, they always find their way onto the final scan! Eddie Tapp has a great dust brush action tutorial available on his website, it works great. I've heard some good things about the Epson 4990, but have no personal experience with it. (It does come with Digital Ice)

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March 16, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  all good info, thanks guys! Paul, I know what you mean about scans and dust. let me ask you this, My HP all in one does a great job of printing and scanning but... it seems to leave dust, lots of dust on the image. I originally thought it was dead or stuck pixels,, now im thinkg it is dust! Is there anyway to clean it?
its definetly on the inside some where because I cleaned the heck out of the top!

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March 16, 2006


Paul Tobeck
  Craig, I'm not familiar with the HP model all in ones, but knowing how most HP's operate with the u-shaped paper path, is it possible some paper dust managed to get inside on the imaging sensor? Do the spots consistently show up in the same places? If it still had some warranty on it, I'd try to call HP and see if they can help. Unfortunately, as most manufacturers drastically improve technology, their customer service seems to go in the opposite direction. You could try the forums on, Royce Bair and his boys have helped me out before with printer and scanner issues. might also be helpful. Good luck!

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March 17, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  Ya know Paul, I would never have Imagined there were forums for I love the Internet..Thanks Al Gore!!
(lol) Anyway, Im not sure if the dust showes up on the same spots, I will have to test it and see. now, I have never really looked into this problem but, Im wondering if I couldsomehow clean out the inside by tearing this puppy down... Not completely mind you.. Im afraid id never put it back together,,, not because I wouldnt know how, but because id get bored (yes, Im like a wife tells me that all the time) id take it all apart and clean it and then id be out the door to chase a cat or squirrel or something stupid like that.. I just like to have fun I

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March 17, 2006

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