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Photography Question 

Tammy Bick

Cannon Camera-Vivatar Macro Lens

I have a Vivatar macro lens and a Cannon A-1 35 mm camera. The lens will not attach to the body, is there some kind of a converter piece that is available to use this lens on this body?

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March 09, 2006


Jon Close
  Vivitar makes - sells actually, someone else makes them ;) - their lenses in different mounts to fit different camera systems. The Canon A-1 uses Canon's manual focus FL and FD mount lenses. If the Vivitar lens is for the Canon autofocus mount (EF, also "Canon Autofocus" or "CAF" or "CA") then there is no way to mount that lens on the A-1.

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March 09, 2006


Bill Hanscom
  There are various "T" adapters available to mount lenses to various camera bodies. You need to know which camera body type your lens was made to fit before you order an adapter. Check out Porter's Hope this helps.


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March 09, 2006


Tammy Bick
  Thank you to both of your responses! I will check it out at my local camera shop tomorrow to see if they can help me, otherwise I will go to Porter's and see what I can find.....Thanx again!!!

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March 09, 2006


Bob Chance
  Oh My God!
A Canon A-1! I bought one of those when they first came out back in '79 - '80.
In fact, after a long twenty some year absence, when I first decided to get back into photography about three years ago, I looked around to see if I could pick one of them up, used of course.
Would you beleive the used ones of a few years ago cost as much as the brand spanking new one back in 1980?
I also shot with the AE-1, AE-1P, AT-1 and the F1-N. Of all of them the A-1 was my favorite. I loved that camera.
Today, I shoot with a 20D. Which was three times the cost of the A-1, new or used.
Anyhow, didn't really have an anser for you because you didn't specify just exactly which style Canon mount the Vivitar lens was for. Assuming the lens is a new purchase, then I would agree with Jons' response. The Macro lens was designed to fit todays Canon mounts and not those of twenty years ago.
BTW- I hated it when Canon dropped the A-series and came out with that awful T model.


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March 23, 2006


Tammy Bick
  Yea I actually inheritd this camera as well as an AE Cannon, as well as a ton of lenses and filters that I am learning to use, from my Grandfather. I am still trying to find the time to look into a convertor for the Vivatar to the Cannon body, but if the local camera shop here in Ct can't help me then I will be looking into the referred site from Jon.

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March 23, 2006


Sharon Day
  I have the Canon A-1 as well. I love that camera too. I couldn't believe it when my sister-in-law sold hers for nearly nothing. I would have snapped it up in a heartbeat. It still looked new. She didn't use it much. It is unreal how much they go for used.

I've heard adapters or converters don't work well but that's not first hand knowledge. Good luck!

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March 23, 2006

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