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Photography Question 

Bill Stoler

D300 Wedding photography

I've used my Digital rebel with 420Ex Flash to photograph a wedding and experienced underexposure issues....and I'm aware of the lack of exposure compensation....I'm planning on doing some more weddings, and I'd like the 20D...but can I make the rebel work until I make some money to step up to the 20D. Thanks for any and all suggestions !!

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February 28, 2006


Jon Close
  There is "hack" firmware that will enable FEC (and several other useful features) on the 300D/Digital Rebel.
2 I know of that are widely used are
Wasia (aka "Russian Hack")

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February 28, 2006


Bill Stoler
  I've heard of this....but I guess I'm a little apprehensive. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for your suggestion !

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February 28, 2006


  what UE issues are you having? the rebel is capable of taking decent photos. I wouldn't use one at a wedding, but in a pinch, I have it as a 4th layer back-up and wouldn't hesitate for a moment to use it, and expect great performance.

are you new to using digital? I ask because most people who are new to digital have problems with exposure. the 20d will perform the same way for you.

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February 28, 2006


Bill Stoler
  I've been doing digital for about 5 years....I've used the D30 and the Powershot G2. I had good luck with those....but the rebel seems to "miss" and I end up using photoshop to correct the image...It seems if I "bounce the flash" it works better....but straight on appears to shut the flash off too early...Thanks for your input !


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February 28, 2006

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