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Dan J. Kim

Lens advice...

Sorry guys if this has already been answered, I used the search option and no results came up that had the terms Nikon FG and 105mm

anyways heres my question:
I own a Nikon FG and want to purchase a 105mm lens for it. However I'm only a 17 year old highschool student who is looking for a lens in the range of $100, or even $120 if it comes to that. Of course less than a $100 bucks would be nice :)

Thanks for bearing with me.

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February 27, 2006


John G. Clifford Jr
  I have one word for you: eBay.

A quick search found lots of Nikon 105mm lenses, and here's a link to just one (that I have nothing to do with beyond finding it via a search).

And, here's your search:

Have fun!

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February 27, 2006


Dan J. Kim
  Ah thanks, I have been searching E-Bay alot, however lenses apparently go up to $150 normally. Too bad I didn't see the first link you left.

However I do have one additional question, what is the difference between


the first link you had left.

I have tried searching it on google but all that comes up is a history of the lens. I am quite confused.

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February 28, 2006


John G. Clifford Jr
  The lens you listed is an older version, and most likely doesn't have multi-coated surfaces. You want the latest AI-S lens you can afford. The last variants of these, made in the late '70s and '80s, were the best manual lenses Nikon produced.

Just keep searching... and if you find a minty version don't be afraid to spend a little more for it. You'll never regret buying quality... and the way these are appreciating in value you'll be able to sell it for more than you paid for it in a year or so.

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February 28, 2006


Dan J. Kim
  Thanks John!

I have one final question, is the BGN quality at KEH worth the price? I found a 105mm AI lens there for about $86, but it was in the BGN condition and I don't really know whether it would be worth it.

thanks again!

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February 28, 2006


John G. Clifford Jr
  I couldn't tell you. Sounds like "bargain"... maybe it is and maybe it isn't.

If the difference between getting a "bargain" and getting a mint version of the same lens is $40, I'd spend the $40 and get the mint lens. It will hold its value better, and will you REALLY miss the $40... or will you kick yourself every time you pulled your battered old "bargain" out to use?

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February 28, 2006


Dan J. Kim
  Ah, I see.

once again, here is probably the last question I have to ask about the lens.

will an autofocus that has the same bayonet mount that would fit my nikon still work if I use it as a manual lens?

what are the pros and cons?
sorry I feel like such an idiot. thanks for bearing with me.

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March 01, 2006


Tom R. Walker
  KEH's BGN lenses and cameras would be considered EX++ anywhere else, I have one from there, a series E 28mm f2.8 that has a quarter inch scratch on the barrel, otherwise it's perfect, and you can use all Nikon AF lenses in manual focusing on your camera except for the G lenses. They don't have an aperture ring, it has to be set by the electronics of the camera, and only the AF cameras can do that.

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March 01, 2006

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