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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What light to use with a softbox

I recently purchased a softbox on eBay and I need to know what type of light to use with it. I have 2 photofloods that I use with umbrellas, but would really like to be able to use the softbox too. Any help for me?

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February 21, 2006


robert G. Fately
  Well, COnnie, a soft box is just essentially a light manipulation tool that holds a diffuser in front of the light source. The real question is how to attach it to the light - and for that each manufacturer seems to have their own "system". You may want to check the website of the company that makes that softbox (Norman? Lowel? Photoflex?) to see what they offer by way of such adapters and mounts.

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February 21, 2006

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