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Photography Question 

Amy L. Evans

Why are my pictures so blurry

I have been testing out new films that I would like to use when I shoot my aunts wedding. Last week I tooks some shots of the monarchs in Pismo, Yesterday I went to Nojoquoi Falls and took some shots. Well all the shots turned out blurry. When I was taking the shot I focused it and it looked fine in the frame. I honestly don't remember the settings. I used a tripod and since I don't have a shutter release yet so I used the auto timer. I seemed that whenever I used the auto settings my pics turned out perfect. But when I try changing the settings they turn out this way. this is the second roll of film that has turned out this way. What am I doing wrong?

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February 16, 2006


Ben F
  Hi Amy..

You forgot to mention whether or not you are using an auto or manual focus lens, but I will assume that its auto.

I am guessing what is happening, is when you are using auto settings the camera/lense is selecting an appropriate apperture and shutterspeed to photograph your subject.

By changing the settings, im guessing you could possibly be altering the aperture. Opening up the aperture will cause blur and if your focusing on your subject properly, it may cause your subject to blur. This all relates of course to depth of field.
DOF is smaller at larger appertures (lower fstop number ie f4).

Sorry if it doesnt make sense, im writing in a hurry. Hopefully someone could explain better or come up with another solution


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February 18, 2006


Ben F
  Sorry, small error

Opening up the aperture will cause blur and if your NOT focusing on your subject properly, it may cause your subject to blur. This all relates of course to depth of field.

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February 18, 2006

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