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Photography Question 

Amy J. Fischer


I feel like such a putz but I haven't messed around with camera settings in about 2 years. I am still an active photographer I just don't ever set anything on my camera because, to be honest, I can't remember. So my question is, how do you change your f-stop(aperture)??? I feel so dumb asking this but I have to know, I just can't remember how to do it!!

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February 09, 2006 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
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  Hi Amy... I don't believe your D535 offers aperture settings. Seems you've got several shooting modes on your camera, but not a true "manual" mode to let you adjust f-stop. There is exposure compensation. (I peeked at the manual for your camera on Olympus' website, and can't find any mention of manually setting the aperture.)

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February 09, 2006


Amy J. Fischer
  I was kinda thinking you couldn't change the aperture on my D-535 but I have a film-based Canon Rebel-G and I know you can manually change aperture on that camera but I just don't remember how, can you help me with that one??? I would appreciate it so much!

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February 11, 2006 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  ;) One camera manual search was enough for me... try visiting the canon website, and see if you can pull up any pdf files of owners manuals...

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February 11, 2006

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