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Photography Question 

Donna R. Moratelli

Eye sores. A spotty problem

Hi, I just recently got a brand new Canon 50mm macro lens..
When I was use it at it's maximum magnification there are small dust-like spots all over the images.
Does anyone else have a problem like this with macro lenses or is this an abnormal problem. I'm hoping that is is just only dust that I see all over the images and not a problem with the glass. It is especially noticable with bright colors, good contrast and exposure. Thanks ahead of time. Donna

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January 29, 2006


Terry R. Hatfield
  Hi Donna!I'm Sure You Know About Dust Getting On Your Camera Sensor, And It Gets Worse With Small Apertures And I Think That Most Macro's Stop Down To At Least F32 (Which Would Further Intensify The Problem),Check The Camera With Another Lens At The Bright Blue Sky At About F22 Or Try It On Another Camera Body To See Any Differences, My Nikkor Macro Doesnt Do That..

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January 29, 2006


Donna R. Moratelli
  Hi Terry,Thanks; It's nothing like the dust from a dirty sensor. When enlarged way past it's normal size the spots look
bright & rainbow-like and have black squares around them. They are horrible. The day after I got the lens, I picked up my camera from the canon factory. The camera was there for a week and was almost brought to factory specs. It was a big job and the sensor is clean. i'll get an image out and enlarge and upload it so you all can see what I'm talking about.Thanks!

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January 29, 2006


Donna R. Moratelli
Hi again. Here are three enlargements plus the over enlarged one with the squares showing around the dots.

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January 29, 2006


Donna R. Moratelli
Hi again. Here are three enlargements plus the over enlarged one with the squares showing around the dots.

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January 29, 2006


Donna R. Moratelli
Hi again. Here are three enlargements plus the over enlarged one with the squares showing around the dots.

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January 29, 2006


Donna R. Moratelli
  All ove these images are enlarged and cropped.

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January 29, 2006


Terry R. Hatfield
  I Think I Would Exchange It For Another One Donna, Looks Like The Middle Image Shows Some Type Of Glass Defect, It Can Happen With Any Manufacturer..

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January 29, 2006


Donna R. Moratelli
  Thank's Terry, I think that I'll take it to the Canon Factory and have someone look at it because it was purchased over the internet.

If anyone else reading this has any suggestions or ideas I'd really appreciate it. I got this lens to use specifically for stock. If the quality isn't there and the images arn't tack sharp then my work will be rejected. They have to look perfect even when enlarged to the max.
BTW. Those lines look like a hair on the sensor so it did get a little bit dirty some way, I suppose.

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January 29, 2006

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