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Photography Question 

Steve Warren


  New York Moonrise
New York Moonrise
f/22, 30 Seconds, 28-100 at 28mm, Brooklyn Bridge park in NYC, approx 6pm on January 15. Taken with maxxum 5QD 35mm Film. Fuji Sensia 100

Steve Warren

Hi All,

Thanks to all who have given me feedback int eh past, and my apologies for not thanking you guys (and gals) earlier.

I am once again in need of your critical eye. Tell me what you think. I think I did a good job, but I keep looking at it and something seems "off", but I can't put my finger on it.

Is it just me being to hard on myself or does the shot simply suck? :-)



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January 26, 2006


Samuel Smith
  hey steve,
i don't think it sucks.i think it's a little overexposed and you lost detail in the buildings and bridge.

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January 27, 2006


Kay Beausoleil
  Steve, there are two things bugging me in your otherwise excelent image, and they can easily be fixed by cropping to a more panoramic format. (1) The "horizon" line is the water, and it cuts the image in two, and (2) that triangle of earth in the left bottom corner adds nothing except empty space to the picture, and it takes attention away from the moon.

If you crop horizontally to eliminate the triangle, the picture becomes more pleasantly balanced and the reflections become more obvious.

It's a great capture, and really worth working on!

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January 27, 2006


Denyse Clark
  I think kay's right on the bottom corner of earth, try to get rid of some of it. But I think it's a very stunning shot personally.

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January 27, 2006


Steve Warren
Thanks so much for all the input everyone. I did the crop, and you all were right, it helped a LOT.

I'm going to go back to the same spot during the next full moon to try and get the same shot with a different composition and a little less exposure.

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February 01, 2006


Katrina McMeans
  Cropped version looks much better, Steve! I agree with Sam needs more detail. Also, the stars are looking more like dust on the lens, at least to me. I assume they are stars, but I personally think this picture would look better with the sky being a dark blue/black without the stars. Just my opinion! ; )

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February 01, 2006


John P. Sandstedt
  I wish you had indicated there was a little "photoshoping" in this image. How did you get a picture of the moon, which rises in the east, included in a scene taken from the Brooklyn side of the bridge - looking west into NYC?

It's a great pic but, perhaps, you needed to indicate it's exactly what you snapped.

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February 01, 2006


Steve Warren
  No photo editing with the exception of the crop. I'm a hard-core film lover. It was shot with a Maxxum 5QD FILM camera with Fuji Sensia 100.

Here's what I did...

1. Set camera to mulitple exposure

2. Took 300mm lens and got shot of moon behind me using "moony 11", underexposed one stop for a faster shutter speed and sharper image. The moon was so bright that night that there was little detail and I knew I wanted it to be a little darker.

3. Turned around and took 28mm shot with 30 second exposure on a tripod composed for giving the moon enough room.

I plan to GET a digital 7D, but I'll NEVER "Go Digital".

Sorry I didnt mention that before everyone. Camera trickery, yes. Digital trickery, never.

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February 01, 2006


Terry R. Hatfield
  That's A Pretty Good Image Steve!
If You Did Re shoot This I Would Do Two Separate Exposures And Put It Together In PS You Will Have Much Better Results Whether You Shoot Film Or Digital, The Moon Being Underexposed And The Scene Is A Bit Overexposed, Maybe That Has Something To Do With The Loss Of Detail? (Exposing The Film To Light Twice).
Trickery Never Entered My Mind Frankly, Make Your Image The Best It Can Be:-)

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February 01, 2006


Samuel Smith
  hey steve,
i thought the ground you cropped out was wrong.i thought it gave a sense as to where you took the picture, like I was here.very nice double in progress.stay at it and you'll figure it out.i think the learning involved is worth the trip.
one of the best double exposures i've seen.
terry has one of the best ps galleries I have seen. pristene comes to mind.
best of luck steve, sam

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February 01, 2006

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