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Sutra R. Robinson

Canon 5D +Plugin Problems

Just purchased a Canon 5D on a trail basis. My current PS CS software and raw plugin opens images on my 20D, but will not open the 5D raw images. My research tells me that I need PS CS2 for the new version plugin, which I do not have, only CS. Any suggestions for alternate ways to open these raw images?
Thanks so much.

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January 21, 2006


Jon Close
  (a) use the Canon software
(b) coincidentally, FYI: new RAW plug-in for Photoshop, Elements was just posted by Dan C. link to Camera RAW 3.3 update

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January 21, 2006


Sutra R. Robinson
  Hi Jon,
The new plugin you mentioned is not compatible with CS, just CS2. When I downloaded it, I could not open any of my raw photos from past raw images. And, I was hoping to find a way around using the Canon software extra step. With my Canon 20D, I can just use my card reader, download to my desktop, and go. Very easy.

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January 21, 2006


Jon Close
  Sorry, I read too fast and missed the distinction between CS and CS2.

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January 21, 2006


Phillip Corcoran
  Glad I bought an Olympus DSLR. I like to shoot RAW, and Olympus supply their own free RAW import plugin for PS7 or PSCS/CS2, so no need to rely on Adobe making it compatible. The plugin opens an interface to make raw adjutments (WB, Levels, etc., before opening the image in PS. Great for easy raw processing/converting without having to use two separate applications.

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January 25, 2006

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