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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


I need to know where a web addresse. for a Manuel on a Nikkei DL-9000
of how to operate this camera.
Thank You
Tammy Ladner

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January 03, 2006


Jon Close
  Insist on getting one from the crooks who sold it to you. That is an extremely overpriced novelty camera that has been sold under a variety of deceptive names (Olympia 2000, Canan something or other , etc.). There are a ton of these crappy things going on ebay for $20 + another $20 for shipping. At best it's worth $10, shipping included.

It is just a very simple camera. Load the film, and shoot. It is fixed focus, fixed aperture and shutter speed. There are no controls beyond the on/off/rewind knob. Attach the flash if shooting indoors.

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January 04, 2006

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