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Photography Question 

William H. Grover

Nikon D50 over exposure

To all you guys and girls out there that have a D50. Do you have problems with over exposure and how do you compensate for it? During full day light, I have to use a filter and run exposure comp. at -3 to get a good pic. Is that about normal?


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December 19, 2005


Phillip Corcoran
  Try setting exposure mode to spot-metering' and aim that spot at the main subject. The spot-metering will set the correct exposure for a small area only instead of covering the whole field of view which may be mainly dark (and that causes the camera to over-expose for the main subject)

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January 14, 2006


Pete H

If you are consistently getting +3 overexposure, be it Matrix, center or spot, you have a problem.

1)I'd suggest going thru all your menus that have ANYTHING to do with exposure and check them. (auto bracket) etc...

2)Look at your EXIF data for any clues.

If you're unsure how to interpret EXIF data, copy and paste it here so we can have a look.

3) Look at your "levels" in post processing. Is the curve pushed to the right with little or no data to the left? Check levels in R-G-and B also.
Any major shifts in the color channels?

In auto mode, +3 is just not right.
Some cameras are off by maybe (+-)1/3..but certainly not +3

4) Try a shot in RAW mode. This will eliminate the possibility of faulty firmware in the processing algorhythm.


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January 14, 2006


William H. Grover
  Thanks all, I'll try all this out !!

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January 14, 2006

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