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Photography Question 

Betty Camus

Can I print old negatives from my computer?

Is it possible to print some really old negatives from my computer? I have black and white negatives from the 1940's and and 1950's that I would like to print using a computer if possible. Is there a way? I know very little about photography. These negatives are about 2x3 inches in size and are in very good condition. I don't know what kind of film or camera was used. If it is possible to do is the equipment extremely expensive? Thank you for your time. Betty Camus

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December 16, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  If you can get them scanned, you can get them printed.

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December 16, 2005


Betty Camus
  I know I want to scan them but can I do it myself? I cannot find a scanner for that size negative. Thank you for your response. Betty

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December 16, 2005


Pete H

There are dedicated scanners for 35mm and larger negs, but be prepared to fork out a lot of money. Many pros who shoot film will scan with these dedicated scanners.

There are "consumer" scanners that nearly everyone owns..You know the ones we use to scan pics etc...but in the real world, they do a lousy job.

If you;re not into the art & science of editing, I would advise you to take them to a pro lab. It really will not be too expensive..Maybe 10 to 20 dollars depending what you want done with them..They'll even put them on a CD or DVD for you.

Depending on the camera you own, there are negative carriers that will mount to the front of the camera lens. You simply take the image into a photo editing program and reverse the image.


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December 16, 2005

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