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Digital Camera won't autofocus

I need help! My wife has a Fuji s3100 digital camera. After about 5 months, the auto focus stopped working some of the time. I would say about half the time, whenever you run through the zoom range, the camera will remain out of focus both on the screen and in the viewfinder. What's more, it even takes pictures while out of focus, though an auto-focus isn't supposed to allow a photo to be snapped unless in focus.

Here's the kicker: we contacted Fuji, and they had us send it to their North American repair site in Edison NJ, along with examples of the out-of-focus pictures. They had it about 3 weeks, supposedly checked everything out, and it was returned yesterday. On the first try with the camera, the problem was still there! Nothing is different, nothing was fixed at all.

Does anyone out there have the tech expetise to maybe have an idea why this might be happening? Has anyone else experienced anything similar? I know most people will answer that I should contact Fuji, but we already went through that route and they did absolutely nothing, and I am reluctant to pay the cost of shipping it back yet again until I hear some expert opinions first on what might be the problem. It obviously went right over the Fuji repair guys's heads!!! Thanks in advance for any help...

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December 13, 2005


Will Turner
  Welcome to the world of electronic P&S cameras. Most of these digicams use contrast detection AF systems, these can have trouble in lowlight situations, but I take it that you are having trouble getting the AF to work consistently even in good light.

The AF system consists of a sensor, an AF module to measure contrast, a CPU processor to provide electrical signal, and an AF motor to drive the lens through attached gearing, forks, or cams. A malfunction in any one of these electronic or mechanical parts could be the cause of your focus problem. If it were me I would include with my return a strongly worded letter specifically describing the autofocus failures in detail when in good light and using freshly charged batteries, and requesting individual testing and examination of each separate AF component.

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December 13, 2005

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