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Category: How Digital Camera Equipment Works

Photography Question - Mary B. McGrath

BetterPhoto Member
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My Photos Aren't Lined Up Right

I've noticed lately that some of my shots don't seem like they are lined up properly after I take the shot. Has anyone else had trouble with the Digital Rebel XT? Sometimes the shot looks slightly off-kilter, although I usually line up shots properly. Could there be something wrong with the camera?

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December 11, 2005


Jon Close
  It could be a problem with technique, such as inadvertently pulling the camera down slightly to the right when pressing the shutter button. Also, the viewfinder does not give a 100-percent view, but instead is about 90-95% of what the sensor will record. That 90-95% is not necessarily precisely centered, so lining up a subject at an edge/corner in the viewfinder won't necessarily be as close to the edge/corner in the recorded image. It is also possible for the mirror/viewfinder to be a little out of alignment with the sensor.

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December 12, 2005 - Mary B. McGrath

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mary B. McGrath
Mary B. McGrath's Gallery
  Thanks. This doesn't happen in all my shots, so hopefully it's me and my shadow! I do alot of architecture, so I will see how to rectify the situation, and try to pay attention more.

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December 12, 2005


Lisa Chatelain
  I have noticed this happens if my eye is not flat against the viewfinder.
Next time you notice it happening it's easy to check if this is the problem by making sure your eye is flat against the viewfinder and recomposing.

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December 13, 2005

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