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Photography Question 

Casey A. Moore

Aperature Settings

Hello! I am trying to figure out a way to get a lower f-stop or aperture setting on my SLR. I have the Canon Rebel 2000 which was purchased in 2002. I have read that if you change the lense you have more flexibility with the range of aperture. I can only achieve an aperture setting of 4.5 on my camera with the 80-200mm Canon lense with natural afternoon outside lighting. Any suggestions?

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November 17, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  If lower means smaller number, need a different lens.

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November 17, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  You can also opt for a faster film speed than what you are using. This will allow for shooting with smaller aperture settings (higher numbers) with your present lens during conditions of lower light. (The trade-off will be slightly grainier photos.)

Or, you can stick with your current film speed, with your lens and a tripod and shoot with a slower shutter speed.

As Greg mentioned, if you feel the need to go wider than 4.5 you WILL need to go lens shopping.

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November 18, 2005

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