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Photography Question 

katie anaya

polaroid transfers

this may be a stupid question...but do you need a polaroid camera to do polaroid transfers? I keep picturing the remaining pictures in my childhood photo albums that were made with a polaroid camera...and they're terrible! is is possilbe to get a good shot with a polaroid camera? or is that the reason for the transfers? :) just curious...

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November 05, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Yes - to perform a "Polaroid" transfer, one must begin with a Polaroid camera, and end up with a Polaroid picture.
A Polaroid transfer is a chemical process whereby one verrrrry carefully removes the extremely thin emulsion membrane of a Polaroid print, and mounts it on another substrate. You can probably find instructions online for this process. It does require a lot of practice.
Polaroid made cameras from very entry level to professional level studio cameras. I would suspect that your childhood images were either made on a lesser quality Polaroid camera, or the person behind the camera just did not do a good job.
The SX-70 is a good example of a quality Polaroid camera, albeit from back in the 1970's. I've owned one for years, using the infamous Time Zero film. It has true auto focus and auto exposure, and delivers great images, especially for creating another type of Polaroid image - the Polaroid manipulation. This is a lot of fun, and I know photographers (oddly all female) who actually make a living selling Polaroid manipulations (and transfers) at juried Arts & Crafts shows.
Michael H. Cothran

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November 07, 2005


katie anaya
  thanks so much for your response! I figured that one needed a polaroid camera to perform the transfers (hence the name right?) but I just wanted to make sure. maybe I could find the sx-70 on ebay? i'd love to start playing around with what sounds like a fun procedure!
thanks again...
katie <><

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November 07, 2005


Nobu Nagase
  You may be aware of this already but Betterphoto offers the course to teach just doing that, "Polaroid Image and Emulsion Transfer".
It does sound very interesting procedure and very unique technique to explorer.

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November 07, 2005


Sharon Day
  I would never have thought to keep my old Polaroid SX cameras. I sure wish I hadn't thrown them away!

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November 07, 2005

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