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Photography Question 

Sue Holt

Parents bringing kids to see Santa pic's

I need some advice. My husband & I do Mr/Mrs Santa Claus 5 weekends starting soon, I being the photographer. The setting is a small local nursery business (not a Mall)which transforms into a large beautiful Christmas shop for the Christmas season. Santa is paid by the hour, I'm paid per picture. Most parents pay for a picture of their child on Santa's knee, for which they have to pay for at the store cashier. The parents are also welcomed to take a shot using their own camera. Occasionally a parent will ask ME (bypassing the store), "We don't want our picture taken but can "Mary" visit Santa so I can take a picture?" My response has been, yes of course you can visit Santa, but no to the picture taking. Most times this is not taken well. Am I being unreasonable? The store most likely still makes a sale somewhere in the store, my husband still gets his hourly rate, but I get nothing for that 5-10 minutes. Any advice.

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November 04, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I believe most places won't let anybody but the photographer take the picture. It's your time that's being spent. This would be like, hmmmm, going to have your babies portrait taken at a place in the mall and having mom or dad come up and snap a picture of her or his own and saying, no, I dont' want your picture because I'll have to pay for what you set up.

You shouldn't allow them to take their own picture without buying yours or at least paying for one. I think that's just how it works, or should work. Hmm, I remember one time a friend of mine went to a restaurant and asked for a cup of hot water. She had brought her own tea bag and used the hot water that she got for free for her tea. The waitress told her that she had to charge her for the tea because it's bringing another "food" item into the establishment. Similar I guess?

Does it make sense? Even though it doesn't feel good, if you tell them that they have to pay for a picture that they take even if it's not from your camera, you still set up the opportunity. I think I've also seen at fairs where you are able to get your picture taken on a HUGE chair. It says no cameras allowed for similar reasons I believe. They get the opportunity to sit on the chair just like the get the opportunity to sit on Santa's lap.

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November 08, 2005


Michelle Ochoa
  The whole point of Santa being there is to take pictures... by you! You're not there to sit back and let everyone else take their own pictures. I guess it really is up to you, because the store would be getting money, and so would your husband, but you wouldn't. And I think that would decrease the value of your services and open up a whole new can of worms for the whole industry in general.

As long as the event is advertised as "Santa Pictures", and not just "Sit on Santa's Lap", you should be able to tell the customers that they must purchase a photo to sit on Santa's lap, and then they're welcome to take a photo with their own camera, in a timely manner and not interfering with you of course.

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November 11, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Try posting a sign that only the photographer present me make images of Santa or something to that extent. That way the parents will be forewarned and if they protest you may always point out the sign and say 'Sorry, we all answer to the big man'. They just don't have to know that that would be you.

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November 12, 2005


Sue Holt
  I really appreciate your suggestions. Thanks for your help.

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November 15, 2005

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