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Photography Question 

Haley Crites

wedding strobe lights?

Should I use strobe lights for the posed church pictures at weddings or the on-camera flash? I have a nikon sb-600 on camera flash and two alien bees strobe lights. Is it worth setting them up?

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November 03, 2005


Cyndee Wanyonyi
  Hi Haley,
I just purcahsed some strobes specifically for a wedding I am doing in December. It will be indoors.

My formal wedding poses were done in 2004 indoors. They are way too shadowed...I wish she would have had better lighting. I think it's a must for an indoor wedding.

Cyndee ><>

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November 03, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Take it from a former wedding photographer -
Use the Strobes for the posed, formal pictures.
Michael H. Cothran

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November 03, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  If speed is the need, then use the on camera flash with a flash bracket and sync chord to reduce the possibility of red eye. And use increased exposure to allow for detail in the shadow. Fine printing can bring down the highlights, but you want detail and seperation in the shadows first and foremost.

Walrath Photographic Imaging

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November 03, 2005

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