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Nat'l Geographic Graininess

Is it just me or are those full page pictures in National Geographic excessively grainy? I have made 10x15 enlargements from Reala with less grain than these less than 8x10s from slide film. Is that to be expected from Velvia or do they just have some strange printing process? The other thing is that on one page they will have these grainy pictures and on the next page they will grainless shots that seem to be of higher resolution. Are they using medium format or digital? I can't imagine it being large format because of the wide angle they use for people shots.

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October 30, 2005


Ben F
I havent actually seen what your referring to, although im pretty confident it wouldnt be the film.

I have used velvia alot, and I can say from my experience velvia has next to no grain whether the shot is perfect, under or over exposed!!!

From what ive heard, National Geographic are reluctant to except digital photos, however in saying that even velvia slides technically become digital when they are scanned for printing/editing/publication.

My guess would be scan quality, high and low resolution, DPI etc..
Its unusual to hear of such a publication having grainy photos, the only other thing I can think of is the pics were maybe shot on 35mm slide, and therefore do not have the "real estate" that larger formats have. Hence the grain!

Its not the film!!
Just my thoughts..

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October 30, 2005


  They do mostly use 35mm slide. Maybe it was a higher speed slide film, and not Velvia. I didn't figure that, come to think of it.

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October 30, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Definately a higher speed film.
I've noticed those grainy full page or center-folds myself at NG and other magazines.
The content of the photograph usually supercedes the technical aspects of it...(or, it was taken by a "Big Name" photographer and got published for that reason only.)

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October 30, 2005

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