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Photography Question 

Shobin George

How is the camera? How to take sunsets?

I have got one Minolta 3xi. What's your openion about this camera. And I would like to know what's the right position to take a beautiful sunset picture with this camera? Please explain.

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October 27, 2005


Samuel Smith
  welcome shobin,
i'm not really sure about your camera model,but it should work fine.i usually use aperature priority and set it at f22,and let the camera set the shutter speed.mostly I use my 28mm lens so it covers a wide area,but if all you have is a lens that starts at 35mm that will work fine.
position of the camera would depend on what you want in the picture.but a calm body of water will give you some great reflections.maybe you want a tree as a sillhouette.mountain?and shoot both vertical and horizontal.
don't focus or meter off the sun,put it to one side and focus on a medium cloud.
a tripod and remote release would be nice for extra sharp pictures.sometimes it might be from 2 to 6 secs,depends on the light,so camera shake will be a problem.even just pushing the shutter release button can give you blurry pictures.and don't leave right after the sun sets,some of the best colors are after it sets and the light shines up under the clouds.
well hope this is some help,sam

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October 29, 2005


Shobin George

Thank you for your valuable advice.

Best regards,


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October 30, 2005

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