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Photography Question 

Taunya M. Ackerman

I saw a poloraoid type film in a movie

O.k.. so I was watching a movie and saw a girl take a poloroid type intant picture, but THEN she took it slapped it on a book and peeled of the backing and POOF the print was on her book.

What was that?

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October 21, 2005


Jon Close
  Google "polaroid transfer." Just like you saw, instead of allowing the image to develop normally, the polaroid is peeled apart to expose the dyes. It is then pressed to transfer the image to another surface to dry or to be further manipulated.

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October 22, 2005


Taunya M. Ackerman
  so can I looked it up. can I use normal 600 film? would it work? I am just looking to do this for fun and for maybe a craft project, so clarity isnt my main focus. I wont be making them into a gallery or anything.

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October 22, 2005

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