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BetterPhoto Member

How to use Tungsten balanced film

I have recently received two tungsten films as a gift. I don't have any experience with this type of film. Can you help me out with ideas and techniques on how to get the best out of this film I have? It is a Kodac EPJ 320T film.

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October 19, 2005


Jon Close
  Kodak EPJ 320T is an E-6 process slide film. When developed you get color slides rather than negatives for printing. It is balanced for light that is primarily from incandescent bulbs. This is the typical household lighting, concert/stage lighting, and studio hot lights (not strobes). Use the film in these situations without flash and without color correcting filters.

Used with flash or in daylight it will give a decided blue color cast to the image. Fluorescent lighting will also give it an unnatural color.

The above is for using the film "as intended." For a fun, artistic, experimental effect you can instead shoot the film under any lighting you want and then have it Cross Processed as C-41 print film. This will give you surreal color shifts and greater contrast. Also see or Google "cross processing".

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October 19, 2005


Jon Close
  P.S. I forgot to add that the film can be used in daylight with color-correcting filter 85B. More information is available at this link for Kodak's data page for this film.

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October 19, 2005

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