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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Lynda Schuepp

i need to cancel my outdoor photo class

i need to cancel my outdoor photo class, no time to do it. I overcommitted but would like to take the course next time around. please refund my money. I couldn't find anywhere on the site "how to cancel" only that you could if you did so before the 3rd lesson was sent out. it is tues night at 8pm EST . please email me that this is done. lynda schuepp

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October 18, 2005


Joyce S. Bowley
I wonder if you shouldn't just email heather at (she's probably the contact person in your Course "Lounge."

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October 18, 2005


Lynda Schuepp
  thanks, they contacted me and all is ok. i'm looking forward to taking this course a little later. I peeked at your gallery-very nice shots. I love the pacific northwest. lived out there for 5 months last year with my daughter, but back here in nh in white mountains now. good luck with your photography, you have a great eye.

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October 19, 2005


Joyce S. Bowley
It is beautiful out here, but NH will be a destination one of these days for me; my GGGGGrandparents lived there briefly and I'd like to visit and do some genealogy and photography. Thanks for you kind comments. See you 'round BetterPhoto!

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October 19, 2005

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