Nikon N60 SLR. I use it always in the automode. My indoors photos are blurry. My outside photo..."> Nikon N60 SLR. I use it always in the automode. My indoors photos are blurry. My outside photo..."/>

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Photography Question - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
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Nikon N60 SLR

I have a Nikon N60 SLR. I use it always in the automode. My indoors photos are blurry. My outside photo are not blurry. The only difference is I use a top mounted flash inside and use the built in camera flash outdoors. What am I doing wrong?

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October 01, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  The blurriness can be caused by a number of conditions, one of which is that when the top-mounted flash is not working in harmony with the camera, the camera could be fired at a slow shutter speed. Are the pictures dark? What is the shutter speed; if it Is below 1/60 and you are using a 50mm (or so) lens, I would set it higher. The truth is, though, that indoor pictures are often much more problematic than outdoor photos. Roll with the punches.

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