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Photography Question 

James C. Creegan

Wound on the film too much...and snapped it!

I've just bought a Yashica GSN rangefinder, my first film camera, and have made a very newbie mistake.

After finishing the 36th exposure I kept on advancing the lever, since this is what you do with disposable point and shoots.

Obviously this was a bad idea, and I now realised I've snapped the film out of it's cannister and it's now wrapped around the right hand spool of the camera.

Is there any way I can rescue the film? And yes, I have opened the back of the camera in low light to see what was going on (I know, I know) :(

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October 16, 2005


  Well..... first off you shouldn't of opened the back, but you already know that. The negative on the outside might be exposed, the the inside might be ok. Take the film, camera and all to a processor. They will take the film out of your camera inside the black tent, so no light will enter. Prior to you opening the camera, the film was very much savable..... not sure now.

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October 16, 2005


James C. Creegan
  Thanks Natalie- of course the added problem is how to explain all of this to the staff at a Korean photo processor, when I don't speak much Korean!

We shall see..

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October 16, 2005


Justin G.
  what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

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October 17, 2005


  LOL!!! I can imagine it now.....

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October 17, 2005


James C. Creegan
thanks for the help on this folks- I only ended up losing a few exposures, and have learnt a valuable lesson.

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October 23, 2005


James C. Creegan
  coke bottles
coke bottles
mid to late afternoon in Namdaemun market, Seoul.

James C. Creegan

  Statue of the Virgin Mary
Statue of the Virgin Mary
In a religious icon shop near MyeongDong Cathedral, Seoul. Wide aperture, hand-held etc.

James C. Creegan

here are a couple of shots I didn't lose

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October 23, 2005

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