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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

evening photos

I have a two part question.. I am in the wine business and want to photograph the Harvest of the 05 vintage in Napa that is at night with elaborate floresent lighting.

Second..I want to photo the Blue Angels this weekend on the GG Bridge with a Minolta with a 200mm...can you suggest shutter speed, film speed etc. I only have seconds to take this shot.



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October 07, 2005


Buddy Purugganan
  Donna, With fluorescent lights as available light, if you would like to avoid the 'green' cast that emits from the light hues---use an FLW or FL-D filter *Tiffen, Hoya are good brands.And for creativity, the time lapse or time exposure function of your manual or autofocus camera will look sweet---use an ISO 200 film and a fine tripod to get it right! Then on the Blue Angels pic, Use a FUJI Press ISO 800, Superia 800 sans the filters. Bring a tripod for the low-shutter speed shots you want to take. Bracket as much as possible. Have a BLAST!

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October 09, 2005


Justin G.
  DON'T use that 800 speed. You'll be shooting straight at the sky. Duh! lol j/k anyways if its cloudy use 400. if its sunny use 200 or 100. set your camera to Av and set it at the largest aperture (smallest number). Hopefully you're AF is fast! Film wise I would grab some Agfa Ultra 100. Or some Fuji Provia 100 and push it to 200 if you need to. just remind the lab to push +1 stop. Have fun! I've shot the Thunderbirds a couple times. They aren't as fast as you think. Granted they're flying at what? 500 kts but they're 2K feet in the air so that helps a lot. (the distance) it'd be like shooting a bike rider coming right next to you, about that speed. try some pannign shots to.

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October 10, 2005

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