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Photography Question 

Angie K. Noden

Flash question...

If I have a dedicated flash that has a module that complies w/ my camera, does that automatically make it a TTL flash? Will my camera tell it what to do in automatic mode or do I need anything else.
Thank you for your time. I have read all the Q&A under film photography and they have all been sooo helpful!

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October 05, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Most likely that is the case but we do need a little more info. Dedicated flash was invented before TTL capabilities came about and there are some cameras (very few) still made that do not have TTL capabilities. What camera and flash do you have?

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October 05, 2005


Angie K. Noden
  Thanks Kerry, I have a Minolta Maxxum 5 and a Nikon N75 with Quantaray QTB-7500A flashes, both w/ dedicated flash modules.
I appreciate your help.

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October 05, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I am not familiar with the Quantaray flash but I would bet that you do have TTL flash. Both of these cameras have TTL capabilities and the after marker manufacturers usually make their equipment to match the capabilities of the cameras. Flashes made by the camera manufacturers do often have features not available on after market flashes but TTL is almost always included in all dedicated flashes for cameras with those features.

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October 05, 2005


Jon Close
  It depends on which specific modules you have for the QTB-7500A. See Ritz's listing for the QTB-7500A. The $14.00 "manual focus" modules, such as the QDA-N, generally have their own light sensor (small hole on the front) and are auto flash exposure, but not TTL (will require manually setting the lens aperture). The $35.00 "AF" modules, like the QDA-NAF, that have the red AF assist light on the front are TTL.

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October 05, 2005

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