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Photography Question 

Lynn Lynn


I have a Pentax ZX-60 which needs work. I was told it would cost a min. of $150.
I can get a new body for less than that. I'd like to get out of the Pentax and go with a different brand, maybe even go digital. What I would like to know is, are there any other brands that my lenses will work with? I have two, both Quantary, a 70-300mm and a 28-90mm that came with the camera. If it matters, I take mostly action pictures with youth sports, also my kids and the kids of friends. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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October 02, 2005


John G. Clifford Jr
  Well, there are many ways of looking at this and each points in a different direction.

If you like your camera, would you buy it again for $150? That's what fixing it means.

If you don't like your camera, do you like new Pentax film or digital SLRs? Your lenses should work on the latest and greatest Pentax cameras... but you will not be able to utilize all of the features of these cameras with your lenses.

And finally, the most important technical requirement to produce good photographs is to use good lenses. The Quantaray lenses are decent but they're certainly not lenses that make people sit up and go, "Wow! What incredible lens were you using?" You could probably get $50 to $80 for both of them on eBay.

My suggestion to you is this: if you only want to spend $150, either get a new ZX-60 body or get yours fixed. If you want to get a new camera and you're willing to spend more money, then get the camera you want and, if money is an issue, get one excellent lens instead of two mediocre lenses.

I've never regretted buying quality, even if I had to stretch a little... but I've often regretted buying something that was a little cheaper to save money... and I lost money when I sold it and bought what I wanted in the first place.

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October 02, 2005


Lynn Lynn
  Thank you for your response!
You pretty much told me what I was already thinking.
To tell the truth, I've regretted buying the Pentax & lenses for awhile now. I didn't research enough on my own and when the sales person said that this was the best camera for a beginner I bought it.
I helps in the decision making (for me any way) when someone adds their input in the matter.
Thank you again!

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October 03, 2005


Lynn Lynn
  Thank you for your response!
You pretty much told me what I was already thinking.
To tell the truth, I've regretted buying the Pentax & lenses for awhile now. I didn't research enough on my own.
I helps in the decision making (for me any way) when someone adds their input in the matter.
Thank you again!

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October 03, 2005

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