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Photography Question 

Eric Sellers

shooting fast action shots

i have a minolta film camera with a fixed 300mm 2.8 lens. I shot pictures of unlimited hydroplanes (race boats). I have taken several rolls of film mostly kodak prof 400 with the camera set to manual control. I have the shutter speed to 1/4000 and I adjust the aperature to make the picture exposed properly (5.6-6.7). most of the pictures come out looking overly exposed or bleached out even though the meter in the view finder reads that its "0". the colors are not as bright and rich. is this a correct method for shooting or would I get better results putting the cameras setting to shutter mode and let the camera select the ap?

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September 28, 2005


Samuel Smith
  which model do you have?you already said you had your shutter speed set to 1/4000.maybe f4?

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September 28, 2005


Eric Sellers
  sorry, I have a minolta 600si with a tamron 300mm 2.8. I taken the photos at 5.6-6.7 ap with the shutter speed set at 3000-4000. it was a very sunny day. should I adjust my exposure setting to a - or + ?

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September 29, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  What was the source of your meter reading? What the object darker than neutral gray?
This would cause your highlights and colors to wash out,...especially on a bright sunny day.
Try metering the highlights and over-expose that setting by no more than 1/2 stop.
The brightest spots may over-expose a little but everything else in the same light will look normal.

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September 29, 2005

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