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Syncing Slave Strobes with digital camera

Sync slave strobes with Olympus D-520 and Canon A70
I can't seem to get correct exposures when shooting table top pictures with these digital cameras. With the cameras own flash I get excellent exposures, but when I turn on the slaves all the exposures are way under. I have even opened up the exposure 2 stops (via internal camera menu) but this doesn't effect the out come much. Do I need some other link to the slaves (other than the flash from the camera)? There are no flash posts on the cameras. I turned off red-eye first thing. I have jacked the over and under exposure settings and they do slightly effect the outcome, but the pix are still way underexposed. I suspected the cameras was getting too much light directly for the diffused strobes, so shot through a box so the cameras would only get reflected light, but that didn't work either. I was wondering if there is a sensor that I could plug into the slave strobes that works off of a blinder for the camera's flash (kind of a flash hood with a sensor in it)? I am trying to photograph small camera size objects on a tabletop with seamless background. If I can't figure this out, I guess I will go outdoors and use a light tent. Any other ideas? Marv

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September 23, 2005

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