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Photography Question 

Kathy L. Pollick

Stock Photographs

What exactly IS Stock photography and what is it used for? Give me some examples of what type of objects go in a stock photo & is there a big market for this type of thing? Can a person do this alone & make sufficient money at it? Thanks much.

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September 21, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Perhaps Charlie Borland and others can give a better description, but stock photography can be identified as a market pool of photos managed by a second party, where publishers, business owners and advertizing executives can locate that perfect image to fit their needs in a hurry,...without hiring a photographer to obtain it.
More often than not, these are "people" photos,...actively engaged in some sort of activity or depicting a particular lifestyle.
As a rule, stock photos are in greater demand by large corporations and by others seeking a quick resolution to thier image acquisition problems.

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September 21, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I had been thinking that stock photography would be what I would like but then I read about how much crap people have to put up with. I know that they have to have many many photos that are top notch and not all alike or very similar. I actually have a friend who let me borrow one of his stock photography book. There's some really interesting stuff in there. I would say that you probably have to be very willing to travel quite a bit to be a successful stock photographer. I don't do this of course, that's just what I imagine by the photos that I see. You also have to make sure to organize your photos along with your model releases and be a people person to be able to work with so many different kinds of people. Also, in that book I saw many different photos of bodies of water and mountains and people in different environments. I guess you might be able to specialize in one kind but what I see in the books seem to be what many photographers what to do for fun. Photograph every type of thing like landscapes, macros, portraits of a sort and all that other stuff. But anyways, yes, hopefully an actual stock photographer can offer something.

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September 22, 2005

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