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Photography Question 

Simon Marshall

Developed images come out pink

  Disaster number one
Disaster number one
Taken using auto settings - sorry.

Taken in Sri Lanka, around 5pm. Temp was around 28C

Simon Marshall

  Disaster number two
Disaster number two
Taken using auto settings - sorry.

Taken in Sri Lanka, around 5pm. Temp was around 28C

Simon Marshall

Hi there. I'm getting into photography as a hobby and using a Nikon F65 SLR. Up to now things have been fine and I'm learning. However, I shot loads of colour film on my honeymoon and a huge amount of the shots have come out with what seems like a pink wash over them. Sometimes it's some pics on a reel, others it's the entire reel.

I don't know what has caused this. The wash is constat over the print, so I don't think it's a light leak. However, I did have them developed at Boots, which I know some people think is a bad idea.

Do X-ray machines have an effect on film that would cause this. It's really disappointing, because so many of the shots seem to have a half decent composition and I've lost loads of them. Can anyone tell me where to start? I've attached a couple of examples.

Best regards, thanks

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September 19, 2005


Jon Close
  Is this a scan of the negative, or a print? What was the brand/type of film used? This is so far off it looks like it might be the result of cross-processing negative print film as slide or slide film as negative.

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September 20, 2005


Philip Pankov
  Yes, looks like cross-processed film to me.

Philip Pankov
Pictures of Ireland - Fine Art Photographs of Ireland

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September 24, 2005

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