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North facing window

I've heard quite a bit about taking portraits using a north facing window, but am not sure what time of day is best for this.

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September 18, 2005

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  My guess would be any time. It's a subtle, unobtrusive light that comes thru north facing windows....

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September 18, 2005


Amber D. Jones
  I've actually talked to some people about this before. If you want a really dramatic sun glow around your subject, do it right when the sun comes out really bright or during the day when the sun is shining a direct light through the window. If you want a more subtle look, it's probably best to do it when the sun is rising or falling. That way, there's no direct sunlight coming through the window.

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September 22, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  The beauty of northlight is its softness and wrap-around quality. Pretty much anytime of the day is good. Midday will be brighter, and overcast days will give you a "whiter" light. You do have to be concerned with using only north light on clear, sunny days, as it will have a definite "blue" hue to it.

Amber - while your lighting scenarios are inciteful, Skylar is inquiring about a "north facing" window. The sun DOES NOT shine in north facing windows. This is why they have been so popular in portrait studios throughout the ages, even with artists like Leonardo DaVinci.
Michael H. Cothran

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September 22, 2005


  Thank you everyone - you have given me the information that I needed - now it's off to take the photos and see what happens! Thanks again, Skylar.

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September 22, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Depends on what you want. High light outside for a dramatic effect. Overcast for even lighting. Experiment and see what happens . . .

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September 26, 2005

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