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Photography Question 

Pedro Diaz Jimenez

People shots(yet another which course question)


I found this site just some hours ago by sheer coincidence and after some research I think I'll maybe enroll on one of your courses. I'm quite excited about this!.

What I would like is to learn how to improve my people photo skills. I've found two courses that could suit me:
Street photography, by Susan and Neil Silverman and People Photography Up-Close and Personal, by David Bathgate. Judging from the outlines of both courses, I'm guessing that the former is more oriented on the technique while the second focuses more on people skills. Am I right?. Anyone here has taken any of those courses?

I think that David Bathgate's course appeals more to me, but I'm a little worried that it might be maybe too basic (skill level 3) for me (on the technique side, that is). I've had photography as my hobby for long time (although I haven't taken it seriously until about a year ago) so I know (or I think I know ;-) the basics.
I have some photos at, maybe they can help you judging my skills and which course might be the best for me.

Thank you so much!

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September 17, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Pedro,
Thanks for your interest in BetterPhoto's courses! I can understand that you might be hesitant, but the skill level is really just a guide. In People Photography Up-Close and Personal, David would like everyone to have at least a working knowledge of their cameras. Beyond that, this is really a terrific course for all skill levels. David is a working photojournalist, and his course emphasizes the following: shaking the fear of making close-in people shots; and creating portraits and environmental portraits that stand out with impact and emotion. If you haven't already, check out the People Photography Up-Close and Personal course outline:

Also, just in case you haven't read the course outline for Street Photography, here it is:

In addition, you might want to consider David Bathgate's Photojournalism: Telling the Story in Pictures class, which is designed for intermediates and up. Since it deals with photojournalism, it really is a people photography type of course. Here's the outline:

Hope this helps, Pedro!

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September 18, 2005

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