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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Error 99 message on canon 17-85mm lens only

All of a sudden I'm getting an err 99 message on the lcd of my canon 20d. This only happens when my 17-85mm lens is attached. The lens is also having trouble focusing when I zoom in at all. Not sure if these problems correspond or not but it's getting very frustrating as my calendar is booked and this is my all purpose lens - especially when shooting children - need that mobility to adapt to their movements. HELP!!!!

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September 15, 2005


Jon Close
  Check that the electrical contacts on the lens and in the camera mount are clean and not corroded or bent/broken. Make sure the lens is fully seated in the mount, and that the lock pin clicks in. Make sure that the AF/MF and IS switches on the lens are not 1/2 way between settings.

Sometimes the electronics in the camera get out of sync and need "rebooting" by turning it off, removing the battery for an hour or overnight, then reinstalling it.

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September 15, 2005

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