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Photography Question 

Tom Walker

Lens of nikon d100 on fg

Quick question, I think I read something about this but may be mistaken, will a 28-80 zoom from a Nikon D100 fit a Nikon FG? I think I read somewhere that all nikon lenses except the non AI and all AF lenses except the D type would, but that may be a different mfr since I shoot several different brands of cameras and am always reading different material on lens compatability.

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September 10, 2005


Jon Close
  Yes, it'll mount.
See table of compatibilities at
(lists FG, but not G-series AF lenses)
(lists G-series lenses, but not the FG body).
I could be wrong but suspect that the FG cannot control the electronic aperture of G lenses. All other Nikon AF should work fine.

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September 10, 2005


Jon Close
  Whoops. Forgot - if your D100 lens is a DX series, it cannot be used on the FG. Besides being G-series, the DX lenses project a smaller image circle that will not fill the 35mm film frame.

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September 10, 2005

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